I think the problem is the word "inferior".
Women are actually allowed to have their own sports and progress at their own level. In some sports the difference, to most, is hardly noticeable.
Men gymnasts are far stronger and do more than women. Still, women's gymnastics holds its own. Most Top 5000 men's tennis players could beat any women champions. Still, tennis holds its own. Women's volleyball...same. Maybe even stuff like golf where the men aren't so clearly in the picture that the comparisons are so readily apparent. Lots of sports like that (don't get me started on WNBA..that shit is unwatchable).
The point is the slopestyle girls comp had some kinks, but it was pretty entertaining. It would have been even more entertaining if Maggie, Tiril (and even Kaya) had been there to ring in some excitement. Sure, they aren't pulling off triples, but it is still entertaining and they are also being forced to do it on jumps legitimately about 25-30% too big. Scale the jumps back 25% and all of a sudden the 900s, 1080s and even some doubles come out.
If your gauge of sport is how they stack up to men...that's sort of weak. They aren't competing against the men and they have every right to be the best in their gender for their sport. It is progressing, but women's slopestyle doesn't benefit from the shear number of participants the men's.
Bottom line, it is an Olympic Sport and it showed pretty well last night. Was it flawless, hardly, but with those conditions and the reduced field it was pretty legit.
I get that it isn't up to the men's level of the sport, but I think a lot of women's sports are meant to inspire women. I think the general consensus from this forum (of mostly dudes) is that it was pretty watchable and fun....I think that's something.