It's actually because we try so god damn hard to keep up the nice guy persona up here to cover up our true intentions of world domination. You know how Canada geese "migrate" to the US in the winter? They're actually doing recon for our small but ever growing air force. As I speak, moose and grizzly bears from Muskoka to Saskatoon are being assembled to be ridden into battle. We will wait for the opportune moment to strike, taking back Alaska, and then coming for you America. Just wait.
But actually, what you said is absolutely true. There are the vocal, perhaps overly patriotic idiots (me turning into one of them come the time Canada beats the US in something, because that never usually happens) that are primarily heard and reflect badly on all the normal people from each country.
So, on behalf of the pretty, moose filled, pine tree covered country of Canada, I would like to say I and we are sorry. Sorry aboot all this ruckus, sorry for slaggin yer sometimes awesome, sometimes iffy country, (sorry) and sorry for that fucking anus pincher Bieber. We're Sorry. Sorry.
But seriously, you guys got nothin on Tims. And I'm sorry aboot that.