I was surfing Youtube this summer when "Tripping on Hallucinogenic Frogs" caught my attention from the sidebar. As a journalism major numbed to more conventional media forms, I found the South American shenanigans of this long-haired stoner in skinny jeans (Hamilton Morris) much more interesting than, say, the suicide bomber du jour (not trying to be offensive here). I watched all three segments consecutively, and thus began my adoration of Vice. When I saw Vice's trailer for "FREE: Freeskiing's Journey to the Biggest Stage" last week I was freaking amped.
As soon as I saw that the video dropped today, I posted it to my Facebook wall with some kind of all-caps excitement. I thought I finally had the perfect thing to show my friends why I ski freestyle. I had to take the video down within 20 minutes out of embarrassment. The documentary paid minimal tribute to THall, gave obligatory recognition to the sport's pioneers who paid the ultimate price (Sarah, CR, McConkey), and went on to be a pathetic feminist soap opera. Now don't get me wrong here. I even consider myself a feminist, but putting the camera on Devin Logan so she could trash talk the person who made it possible for her to do wobbly ass 540s is not doing women any favors. But hey, you can't expect much from a woman who says she needs to "grow some balls" and was raised by another woman who apparently hasn't graduated from the diaper stage.
Here's some stuff they could have considered including to better capture the spirit of freeskiing:
THall breaking ankles or Dumont overshooting
Henrik's loopty-doo at the last X Games big air
Line Traveling Circus, Real SkiFi, Nipwitz, or some edit that samples the creativity of urban filming
ChugLife, Hoodcrew, general partying
Invention of the Salomon 1080s
Sarah Burke
In conclusion, it's easy to bitch about/on the internet. It's dumping right now and classes are cancelled tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'm going to build a jump with a snowboarder and land on my face in white stuff because that's what freeskiing is all about to me.