I just realized the other day that matchstick makes ski, bike and snowmobile movies that they shoot in 16 mili and get developed, which costs about 650 bucks for 15 minutes, and bought HD cams which cost from 30,000-100,000, they rent heli copters, hire videographers and probably a lot of other shit. The total percentage of people who freeski is like .0000000000000000001 of the world and even less for biking and snowmobealing so they can't be selling too many copies of their films. I'd say yearbook cost at least 450,000 to make and that would mean they would have to sell around 20,000 copies... Either steve winter is super rich or matchstick is running something illegal to pay for it all.
'Sorry to all those racers out there,' Hall said, 'but in 10 years you guys ain't going to be nothing.'