I love how everyone is shitting their pants worried about injuries. You're a lot more likely to get hurt on a poorly built jump, regardless of size, than on a big one where the transitions match and the speed is right.
These guys hit jumps that are 70 ft. to the knuckle pretty much all winter long. Sometimes 80, or slightly bigger for film shoots. They take those jumps regularly 100ft. and bigger. These guys are not going to be intimidated by jumps that are 10-20 ft. bigger. Notice how all the athletes are taking pics alongside the take offs and excitedly tweeting away? It's not because they're concerned about the size. For years now, skiers and fans have been clamoring for jumps big enough to do these guys justice, now they've got them, so let's not get all gerber about it now.
Russ Henshaw will still not pop and barely clear the knuckle, and Henrik will still take it 20 ft. past the sweet spot.
Downhill is still by far the most dangerous ski discipline (by a fucking wide margin). People die, lose limbs, have seizures, and get flight for lifed out. In slope, people blow acl's, break collarbones, get concussions, and get ac separations. Let's watch the best get after it.