Hey y'all
This thread might be super super dumb and get a lot of hate but I figured it would be cool to recap the night and post a few pictures to remember the snow days USC columbia had earlier this week.
The night begins at 10pm after an entire day off for the threat of snow. It had finally begun snowing at 8pm Tuesday night. I helped rescue a cat out of a drainage pipe with some girls. (Random)
Then I go to the store to pick up some brews. The roads probably have about an inch and people are freaking out. No one is even attempting driving and the few out there are just going like 15 mph. Hilarious coming from a place where one inch is nothing. Anyway, I make it back home and my homies are just chilling.
Meanwhile, I am super hype because its snowing and who knows maybe I can show off for some southerns, some of whom have never seen snow. Proceeds to drink a bunch of beers, and gets the ski equipment out.
WU Tang or Snow angel?
With some encouragement, I begin skiing down this maybe 50ft hill doing some simple stuff riding switch and people are just loving it.
Then I begin to think, I'm going to go take pictures on campus with my skis since it never snows in S.C.
Proceeds to walk like two miles to campus and people are just freaking about how its actually snowing. Me, well I am trying to ski down some super steep hills that Columbia has to offer as well as getting some photos in iconic spots.
President of USC's House on Horseshoe
Intoxicated I decided its time to ride down Bull St. the steepest hill on campus. Its super steep slope. However there is like no snow on it. Talked to some dude that wanted me to pretzel on this thing and tried but ate it. Then got a crowd of about 30 people at like 3 am to watch me try to ski it but i just stopped on the pavement.
Flat top of Very Steep Bull St.
Anyway somehow me and my friend Trav end up down at bars (5pts) around 4 am. Realize every things closed and take a cab back to the house.
I know most of these pictures suck and Im not actually sliding anything...we had an inch or 2 max of snow.
Crazy experience. Who would think I could have skied in the South...