Thank you for stepping down and offering this information about Mandela to me, anyways...
I agree with you about the average college educated person being a moron, however I must bring up the point that I am one of those college educated and I seek out the news that is relevant to myself. For the most part it is news involving the skiing community and so on. To the others out there who simply flip the switch on their television or look to Facebook, they see what others broadcast in their direction without any CONTROL or FILTER through which articles they see. Unfortunately this information they are eating up is designed for the masses and is focused towards those trailer park trash you mentioned.
If we have no control over what we are seeing, then yes we do in a sense become brainwashed. I do not watch the news at night, nor read those ridiculous trending articles on Facebook which APPALL me.
All in all, if we continue to allow our attention to get dragged around by the media and the masses we will never EVER see stories like the one posted in this blog.