now youre just being silly.
youre implying that i need to be a business major to understand what wealth is.
and that somehow, because youre post secondary educated, and have assumed that im not, that your opinion is final, and correct.
lets use some common sense here. i wouldnt argue with a chemist either.
we are not talking about chemistry. we are talking about wealth, and your bullshit extremely vague idea of what it is.
and i hate to break it to you, but absolutely anyone has a "license" to partake in established theoretical discourse, regardless of academic accolades, and ESPECIALLY on a fucking ski site forum.
and if you think other wise, youre not only delusional, but extremely ignorant.
You actually said something that i agree with, qualifications are not wholly indicative of a persons capacity. some of the most intelligent people i have ever met dont have degrees AT ALL!
The reason you asked is quite simple, you are a dingus.
I learned from a very young age that people will have different opinions of terminology.
It didnt take me until first year to learn that.
And since we are making completely blind assumptions about each other, i would be very surprised if you are out of first year at all!
Simply because you seem to have a mentality that you are right, and fuck everyone else. I find most first year students think they are better than everyone else, until they quickly learn that they are just like everyone else.
In second year you will learn to be more accepting of other peoples opinions.
By third year you will probably have dropped out or been placed on academic probation.
you are perfectly welcome to disagree with my original sentiment, but to simply rub my nose in your education is a horribly lazy argument, not to mention wide open in douchebaggery.