I grew up on the east coast on the I-95 corridor. Colorado is waaaaay better than that area, no question.
But, CO isn't really all that unique in my opinion. I would just as soon live in MT, WY, parts of CA, maaaaybe UT, ID, WA, OR. Basically, the CO chest beating is for dweebs, and it's "cool" to live in the mountains, in a mountain town, and work a mountain job, because well, obviously.
There are parts of CO that hang with pretty much anywhere though. I love Loveland (ski area, not the town), and most people don't realize that it averages 422" a season. just under 200" right now and the skiing is fantastic. Yes, it's cold as fuck, windy as fuck, but it's an amazing place. The 5 year plan at Loveland is going to be fucking incredible, and will elevate the area's reputation pretty much overnight. The complimentary ridge cat that accesses the north end of the ridge is pretty damn rad.
Living in CO is cool if you love the mountains. It's probably no cooler than other mountainous, outdoorsy regions though. If you walk around like you're king shit because you live in Summit, you're a clownshoe, no different than people in NYC or LA who behave the same way.
Lastly, CO is just about the very worst place on the continent for snow stability and avalanche conditions. Had I been more informed and educated about the differences in climate and the resultant snowpack, I miiiight have moved elsewhere. In CO, when it's good it is shit your pants, "how can this white stuff be so damn fluffy and light" cum on yourself good. When it's bad, it's "oh my god I'm buried under 2m of wind slab I knew that fucking depth hoar/facets were going to be a problem, and I wanted to ski so bad and now I'm fucking dead because of it" bad.