This is your second semester. You realize you havent even finished one full year of college? Give it a chance. There could be a few factors affecting your view on college.
I have no inkling of what your social life looks like, nor do I know what major you are in. But the important question is, are you happy with both? If the answer is no, then change both.
If it goes beyond that, IE you just dont want to do academic work anymore, try a semester abroad/doing some sort of outdoor class (if those are offered and sound appealing). Another option is going to a trade school. This way, you are going to school, it is probably shorter than a 4 year program, but you actually have a skill to apply to the workforce.
If you REALLY do not want to do those things above and are insisting on dropping out, then try to make this agreement with your parents:
You will take the year off from college to reevaluate your stance. During this time, you will be financially independent (pay for EVERYTHING) as well as living on your own/paying rent to your parents if you still live at home. This means you have to find a job that can support your lifestyle (dont become a skibum the first year). If you enjoy this lifestyle and can make it work, then you can drop out. However, if you find it is not for you, you will go back to school and try to finish it.
This allows you to learn what it is like to be truly independent, and if you like it, to continue it. If you find that it is harder than you thought, and that you would rather be in school for another 3 years, you have the possibility of going back. But to drop out and assume you will never go back is a terrible assumption. You need to be 100% sure college is not for you and that you will never want to go back.