Thats your gauge of whether an edit is good or not? I'm sorry but you're going to be disappointed a lot. The purpose(s) of any edit of video is at its core to inspire show others what the individuals are doing.
True a lot of tricks are repeated but do you know what it is to come up with a completely original trick these days? You have to have an insane mind and equal skills. That kind of thing doesn't come about very often. If you aren't able to get hyped on skiing by watching other people do it well regardless of their trick selection then I feel bad for you.
Watching edits filmed in a way that makes me feel like I am floating through a dream world while people are stomping hard tricks flawlessly is more than enough motivation to make me want to go to the mountain at any time of the day or night.
Also, I think it's sick to see younger kids and crews trying to get their scene up. They're out there riding, filming, editing. Doing everything they want to that gets them hyped.