jobs bro earn the money yourself. Trust me, if you rely on your parents all the time you'll have a harder time getting help when you actually need it. Also if your parents see that your putting effort into earning money to get something, they'll respect you more and give you more freedom.
Do anything, but it's always worth a check round the family to see if they're looking for 'media' work. I got £300 for a family friends website (I didn't even start learning to build them until I offered to do it), and I'm getting paid a ton to photograph my cousins wedding (don't think about jumping into wedding photography, it's extremely high stress and not easy. It's pretty much a weeks work). It's kinda the wrong time of year for manual labour, but sometimes if there's an event coming up... I don't know how old you are, but this is the time of year kids quit paper rounds (weather, exams). I know this because it's about the time I quit, and three of the five other kids working that shop left within a week.
Another way to make money is just to save on everything. If your going somewhere, ask your parents for money for the bus then walk or cycle there instead. Painful this time of year, but over a while £5 every few days can add up quickly.
Another word on media - family jobs are brilliant 'first tries' at web design and the like because they'll normally be really lenient with time schedules etc. You could put an ad to the public saying it's your first time and you'll work for really cheap, but they'll expect a full professional performance nonetheless.