The different Freestyle Ski Tricks:
Using twin-tip Skis, look to your left
or right (whichever side you plan to
rotate) as you take off. Bear in mind
that you will land backwards. Spot
your landing and keep your weight
centered. Do not turn forward after
you stomp at the landing.
When you take off, look over your
shoulder and turn your upper body.
You will see that the Skis will follow.
Grab the Tail and pull it into your
spin. Do not let go at this moment.
Look over your left shoulder and land
upon seeing your landing.
540 Tail Grab
Remember that the grab will slow
down your rotation, so set the spin
As you take off, look for the tail of your Ski, hold that with your trailing hand, and pull it into the spin. Keep your eyes over your shoulder. At this point, you are coming through the 360. Spot the landing. Center your weight and reach your landing with the tips of your Skis first, then the tails.
Corkscrew 720
Make use of your edge in doing this
Ski Trick. Start off with your right (or
left) outside edge. When you popped
off your edge, extend your right arm
forward and look toward your left hip.
If you want a fast spin, tuck up.
Otherwise, open up. When you have
gone a 540, you will see your landing.
Come out of your spin and reach for
the landing.
D Spin 720
This is usually done on powder. Start
off, turn your head, and throw your
shoulder on your left (or right). Tuck up and your Skis will cross. After the spin, try to find your landing. Straighten out and reach the landing.
Mute Grab
Once airborne, maintain your balance
by not reaching down make the grab.
Instead, lift your legs and grab the
opposite Ski.
Half Cab Mute Grab
You need to ski backwards in
approaching the jump. Center your
weight above your feet. Look over
your shoulder and you will spin as you
hit the lip. After the rotation, look for
the landing and tread heavily.
Under Flip
Start off by turning 90o to face the
slope at a right angle. Throw your
uphill shoulder down and roll upside
down. Make a 270 to land, or tread
heavily on the landing.
This Ski Trick is a backward
somersault in the air. As you take off,
shift your weight backwards by
leaning back. This will make your
Backflip Mute Grab
In performing the Backflip Mute Grab,
you need speed and more rotation.
Obviously, this Ski Trick also entails
Backflip, so make sure you know how
to do it before trying the Backflip
Mute Grab. In the tucked position,
quickly go for the grab. Arch your
back, spot your landing, and then
tread heavily.
When you take off, jump in backward
and sideways motion. Your body will
be horizontal once you get airborne.
Spot your landing, and then land after
the flip.
Alley Oop
Take off with enough speed. Turn
your body up hill, look over your
shoulder, and take note of the
direction of your spin. Spot your
landing, and then tread heavily.
Alley Oop Flatspin 540
Leave the pipe and throw your uphill
shoulder down the fall line. Turn your
body and let your feet be in the
position where it is at the same level
as your head. Turn to your stomach
and then face the ground. Go for the
grab. Extend your arms forward and
spot your landing.
Switch Corked 720
In this Ski Trick, it is very essential to
look over the shoulder to set the
direction of your spin. As you
approach the lip, slide your Skis flat.
Begin the 180 degree spin as you take
off, and then make a corked 540.
Tread heavily as you reach the landing then ski away.
Flair in the Pipe
Make sure you can do backflips before trying this Ski Trick. Have enough speed in the pipe. Begin your spin the same way you would do on a backflip. Move your head and shoulders backward and throw your hips forward. When you are inverted, finish that 180, and then tread heavily on your landing.
Rail Slide
Jump to land on the rail. Glide
smoothly and keep your weight
centered on both feet in order to stay
balanced. Turn your shoulders the
way you want to exit.
Lincoln Loop
When you reach the lip of the jump,
drop your shoulder and wind your
arms up to the side so your body will flip sideways.
Lincoln Loop 180
You should know how to perform the
Lincoln Loop before doing the Lincoln
Loop 180. When you are about to be
finished doing the Lincoln Loop, you
should see your landing. Make a 180
before you land. Touch down with the
Tips first.
Fakie 180
In this Ski Trick, ski like you normally
do. When you take off, look over your
shoulder to set the spin. Once you get
airborne, go for the grab and then
reach your landing.
Spread Eagle
Take off and once you get airborne,
move or spread your arms and legs to
the side, keeping your body upright.
Proper timing is important in doing
this Ski Trick. Open your legs only if
you are in the air. Close your legs before you reach the landing.
Once you get airborne, bend your
knees so the Tails of your Skis will
touch your back. Do not lean your
shoulders forward while you are
airborne so you will reach the landing
Twisters are actually like 360's. Only,
your feet move in a way that your
body chest is put forward, with your
ski appearing to be in parallel with
your chest. To be able to perform this
trick, you need to have a good
balance. The Twister involves turning
your upper body in one direction, and
your lower body in the opposite
direction. Make sure your head
remains in the same direction with
your upper body. After you have
perfected the twisting turn on one
side, try it with the other.
To perform a Daffy, put one leg in
front of you and the other one at the
back. Hence, the Ski at the front aims
upward while the other one points
downward. Put them back in their
normal position and then land.
360 Safety Grab
Shift your weight forward at the start
of this Ski Trick. Be ready to spin as
your take off. Go for the grab, do not
let go for a moment, and then spot
your landing. Tread heavily when you
reach the landing.
Cossack / Kosak
You can do this Ski Trick if you know
the Spread Eagle and Zudnick. In
Cossack / Kosak, extend your legs
sideways and put your hands forward,
between your legs. Keep your Skiing
Poles in their upright position.
Iron Cross
This Ski Trick requires enough height
from the ground so the Tips of the
Skis will not get caught in the snow
throughout the trick. The Iron Cross
involves crossing your Skis once you
get airborne. Similar to a
Backscratcher, bend your knees so the
Skis will be behind you. But this time,
you need to cross your Skis. After
that, uncross your Skis and pull your
legs back. The Skis should be parallel
at this point. Stomp at the landing.
Once airborne, bend your lower and
upper body forward. Keep your Skis
close to each other.
Once airborne, make a 360, 720, or
1080 degree rotation.
Rocket Air
Once you are airborne, extend both
your legs forward and go for the grab.