I got a really good deal from evo on 186 Moment Night Trains, so i exchanged my s7s for them. I have never ridden these, but have hand fiddled them at the local used gear store. They seem kind of like a Magic J, but a tiny bit burlier underfoot. Tips and Tails seem soft and fun, although they probably wont rally through crud like some other skis, but im cool with that. Im wondering how these things do all over the mountain. Ill be putting them to use all over Jackson Hole, and would like to get a feel for what I'm up against. I have a feeling I will truly enjoy these, because I like centered skis that force you to ski balanced, especially with this rocker profile. Seems similar to my obsethed, which is my favorite ski ever.
I have a 188 pbj for when theres no new snow, so its not like these need to handle the worst conditions i see, but hopefully they can manage as well as my obsethed does (pretty good for 117 underfoot).