Be Comfortable Spinning/Landing both ways
Stay Low
Stay in the front of your boots
Don't Get scared when doing something new. Visualize it and be committed
-Pop To get on
-Make sure when you spin on, you don't do it on the jump or on the box/rail, make sure you spin in the air
-Keep Your arms in normal position. Flailing makes it harder and looks worse
-Gradually increase the difficulty of rails
-STAY LOW- id say prob most important thing in freesking. Watch Henrik. This is where a lot of style comes from
-Keep weight on front foot
Start with small jumps, and gradually get bigger
get tricks on small jumps then move to bigger
make sure you POP
Make sure you are low, or tucked together in the air- this will keep you away from doing pencils
when you spin, start it when your feet are half off the jump. If you start it too early, you will fail
When you spin, look strait ahead not down
Do small spins a ton then do more
When grabbing, wait till at least 180