In the long search for my first pair of skis this season alot of things played into my final decision, but one thing my shop owner warned me about in particular was the warranty policy. So after going to the shop i looked up warranties for a bunch of companies i was considering. Most had the same general idea: dont be stupid but if shit happens we'll see what we can do.
Then there were the two extremes: Line and Armada.
Line seemed super chill, saying the same sort of stuff like it doesnt cover abuse, negligence, improper bindings, etc. and then said the skis should be free of defects during the warranty.
Armada's warranty sounded like it was written by a total dick. Its warranty was a year, just like Line's, but had a bunch of ridiculous restrictions on it. What really grinds my gears about Armada that i didnt see with anyone else is that it doesnt cover impacts with ANY surface other than snow.
Snap a ski on a rail because of a defect? No warranty.
Dont you think a company that sells so many park oriented models like the ar7, al dente, and halo 2 should cover one of the most essential aspects of park skiing: rails and boxes? Also they seemed pretty harsh on accident policy, saying "If you crash your new Audi into a telephone pole on day 1, you don’t get a new car – if you snap your ski landing on your back while jumping off a cliff, or super-under-rotate your rodeo and your ski breaks – no warranty"
Bottom line, this really steered me away from armada, even though their skis seem really sick.
Has anyone had experience with Armada, and are they as bitchy as they seem? Or is armada's warranty policy completely reasonable just overreacting.
Line Warranty:
Armada Warranty: