Tried other places without a solid answer, guess I'll try here. and please, any "full tilts" will get -k.
5'11-170lb, new england only. 7/10 skier. Have 178 chronics, great ski but can't do nothing in soft bumps(think the day after storm, all trails at killington are bump trails). Got destroyed on panic button and a little better on bittersweet. tails keep hitting uphill bumps throwing me all over the place lol.
what I'm looking for: around 85mm(+-5?), 170 length, soft so I don't get bounced around, good groomer/bump performance, doesn't have to be twins(won't hit park on these), can work around in allmtn/eastern tree conditions, don't care about powder since we don't get much if any.
Did went to local shop and guy there suggested Nordica steadfast(not sure I like the underfoot metal) and icelantic pilgrim(SO light and DAT CAMBER), I was thinking along the line of atomic panic(?)/blackeye ti(not sure about metal)/volkl rtm80(same metal)/rossi e83?
any help appreciated