Recently i've seen that Jiberish did a collab with Railcar Fine Goods, which i think is sick. Seeing them do a collab with an old fashion wool company is good, especially with them switching it up with all these companies and doing more collabs outside of the ski industry. I still like them as a company because of their fine products, even though it's expensive but i always 1-2 products by them every year..
At any rate, I'm sorry but i understand how vintage these jeans must be but seriously $200? I just do not see how anything could ever been that expensive and still make a profit overtime, let alone sell at all.
Also what the fuck, a $400 jacket? No offense but you guys are some Versace, Tom Ford, etc.
I know you guys sacrifice more for what you want to do then the actual profit, I've emailed you guys about your structure at Jiberish, it makes sense but its crazy right now.
You guys are an amazing company but this just seems so expensive.
idk i had to type about this. w/e
not bashing, more of "mind blown"