Ok, so i work a couple jobs with school. Well ive always wanted to work in this one ski shop, but he didnt need anyone till this year. I bought all my skis there and stuff for like the last 6 years. So this year he hires me. I've been there for 2 months. Its kinda temporary thing since he gets virtually no business after the winter and xmas are over. Now a couple weeks ago i find out this new, bigger place moved in in the town over. So i apply there just to see what happens, and i actually get the job which is fucking awesome. Now today i interview with the second shop, the new one. He tells me, i cant have you working in two places at the same time, its kinda company policy. The catch is though, this place wants to keep me for the spring and summer so its more of a real, permanent job. He will give me like 30 hours a week selling and working on skis ( i couldnt ask for a better job in my entire life). The thing is though, ive always been loyal to the first shop. This year he took a chance hiring me with no industry experience, and has trained me in a ton of stuff over the last month, 2 months. So, do i take the job at the second shop, and kinda throw it in the first guys face? Thats what it seems like, or stay at the first shop where my loyalty is, and pass up the other opportunity...I'm kinda stuck, but leaning towards the better place with more hours.