now ive seen numerous bad youtube comments before, especially on park ski edits but this one was really terrible. also i couldnt tell with youtubes new g+ comment system but it seems to be a top comment (as i have it rated by tops). ive tried to make threads on this before, last time with the traveling circuis yt comments wherein andy misses the episode and chompton is gone so youtubers proceed to bash the fuck out of rob hule/max hill/ other line skiers and line itself. (for some reason i cant acess the thread
the amount of big mountian freeskier junkies / park alienated generalpublic / noobs, that hate on park skiing in youtube comments is crazy. just about every ski edit on youtube has comment wars about off piste vs park, i could do that vs you couldnt, or even just people being like "that shits easy i bet they couldnt even do blue squares like me hueuheueh".
why is the youtube ski community so mad?