I was reading the news and what do ya know? Another drone strike on foreign land. When the laws about flying drones over our own land is still in debate. Plus, the article points out that most of the peolple "appear" to be militants. And that the militants are attacking in response to drone attacks. Our drone attacks are because of their attacks. How is that supposed to end? Could you imagine being on the way to a wedding and since there are a few bad people around you your limo gets blown up. In america a women would cry if it rains on her wedding day. There, bombs get dropped from remote control airplanes drop bombs on the wedding party. The article doesn't even point out the amount of people injured. You can't kill some without hurting a lot of them in the vehicles. I guess I just wanted to spread the word. Most of America is blind to what is really going on. It is not anti-American to admit there is fuckery afoot.
Tl; dr don't even worry abouyt it, much easier to pretend it is not happening