^ It is a horrbile idea. Let us all take a look at what occurred after WW I. We stayed out of world affairs, Hitler rose to power. 7 Million Jews were slaughtered. Millions up millions of people died in Europe and Asia. Cities were destroyed to absolutely nothing. We still didnt do anything and then we end up getting attacked. So 3 years after WWII had started we decided to enter the fray of battle. The Nazi powers had already controlled most of Western Europe and we were forced with the unbelieveably daunting task of pushing them out. In turn we lost millions of soldiers, a toll that would have been far less tragic if we had acted earlier. The economy in Europe then went to complete shit and we saw the rise of Communism. If we were not so passive from 1917 to 1942 the great horrors of WWII may never have reached the extent they did.
And jarjar it is not the Senate's job to impose sanctions on Iraq it was the UNs. We tried and tried to deal with Saddam's regime for over a decade, including imposing 17 UN sanctions on him, all of which he continuously violated while skimming billions of dollars off the top of the oil-for-food program while disease and starvation ran rampant throughout Iraq.
Pacifism is deadly. If we were to turn our back on world affairs all hell could break lose, considering we are truly the only nation capable of regulating world affairs since the UN has proven itself worthless. What we need to do is turn our backs completely on the now extremely corrupt UN and leaders like Chirac who continuosly stab us in the back while his nation is on the brink of going down the crapper.
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