First off is a basically brand new red ehoto pull over hoodie its size is 2xl-3xl i only wore it twice shoot me with offers 9.5/10

ehoto hios zip up hoodie worn about 6-7 times its a little bit dirty because its never been washed therefor has absolutely no zipper wave also size 2xl-3xl 8.5/10



Ehoto orange Pullover hoodie size L-XL worn about 5 times 8/10



Armada blue and white hoodie worn 9 times has some dirt on the white sleeve never been washing so no zipper wave size L



Jiberish snow camo vest size 4XL worn 5-6 times has a tiny bit of blue splatter paint on the right shoulder i didn't even notice till i took pics, you can barely tell its there.



last hoodie is a plenty soul hoodie size XL its been worn quite a bit has missing button and string 6/10



lastly i have a brand new RED helmet size L never been worn still has tags
