take this seriously
I have a buddy back home who had gone off to college, hated it, dropped out and moved back to his home with his family. The last couple weeks we spoke on and off and I was kinda able to tell that he was acting different, but I had assumed that either college had changed him or myself.
I went out drinking last night and was pretty hammered when he called me. I dont remember much but i think i told him that I would have to call him later because i was too drunk.
This morning I awoke to a call from my mother saying that he had committed suicide. and i feel like shit. I kinda ignored the signs, and at points i'm sure was a huge jerk.
moral is please guys, if you have a buddy who's acting strange, please just ask him whats up. People need to lean on others sometime.
anyway, this just kinda felt good to write at least, and I'm sorry for bringing my pity party to you all.