So if prices seem unfair go aheads and offer. I dig trades if they are for legit items (big saga/jiberish/ttp etc..) None of this is really in that big of a hurry to go so don't expect ill take a lowball really. BUMPS get Karma:)
New 2-3x ehoto epic planks collab. Got it and it just wasn't my style. 55$
Brand new XL Purple Haze pants 100$
Brand new XXL Orage Aldrin jacket 150$
Gently used (nothing wrong with it) XL khaki sample saga flannel. 50$
Also gently uses is this saga insulated hoodie. 70$
8/10 5x Bagheera dope piece love this thing 50$
Team size 8/10 Tall tee level one film real 25$
4x eighty eight crew 8/10 40$
3x tan stacked 9/10 40$
One of a kind Sample saga hoodie 9/10 XL(fits big!) 75$