Gotta love people on NS.
Jason is in no way new to the whole "planning/managing aspect of operating a business." I am hoping this is trolling because you are talking about the dude who started LINE SKIS.
Megabrand X does not call people the way Jason can for J Skis because they have an astronomically large amount of inventory and end users, and on top of that they do not make skis on the fly but spend the whole year manufacturing them in China. Jason is doing something totally different and there will be kinks along the way, but if his idea sticks and if it can be sustainable on the scale he envisions it will be relatively smooth sailing for J Skis.
Jason knows what he is doing by and far more if not just as much as anyone in the industry, and I am sure he expected problems to occur. Mad props to J on taking the time to call each and every person who preordered and will not be receiving their skis at the time that was expected. This does not happen enough in the industry and embodies what skiing is all about.
More props to the guys who preordered and appreciated this gesture and didn't get upset because they felt entitled enough to think they deserved more because a new, small company couldn't get their skis to them in the time previously expected.