Homophobic? Grow up you child. Have some fucking respect. Not only for Simon, but for a growing majority of the population.
How can an athlete get called out for making the best of an opportunity. If ESPN asked you to do this, you are telling me you wouldn't?
O, yeah, you wouldn't because you are a skinny little white boy with no muscle definition. You would be embarrassed to take you shirt off in front of a camera.
Michael Jordan did this kind of shoot, Michael Schumacher, Phelps, Messi, Beckham, Ronaldo, James, Slater, Wright, and the list goes on and on. Sex sells and the fact that all you punk ass bitches are talking about it on Newschoolers.com makes the whole project worth it.
Shit, if I looked like that I would take pictures of myself....
Simon got paid for this shit and will have a blast reading the comments and laughing at you all thinking you are cool making fun of it.
This could be the best photo for skiing seeing that we are going into a big year where people think skiers are just kids ridding sticks. This actually makes the sport look like we are athletes and work hard for the tricks we are doing. This provides skiing with a lot of credibility and we should thank Simon for having the balls and perseverance to do this.
Yeah, he is on wires in the photo, but the reality is that he can do it in real life 22 feet out of the pipe too. Can you?