Just finished, here's my thoughts if anyone gives a shit:
They really have pulled off the best ski(***) film ever, by that I mean you'll fucking love it no matter what aspect of skiing you're into, it's got everything. Definitely beats both the Candide and Mcconkey movie in my eyes.
Cinematography is really what makes it so damn good, production value is unparalleled.
There's a lot of talking in it, without it the movie would be nowhere, I don't care what you say(there's a lot of films I've thought sucked because all it is was just trick after trick and they can get boring quick if it's not heavily surpassing the previous), films are heavily improved by interviews and talking on the background of the situation, none of that how you feel shit though.
Music was awesome, more than half of the songs are my favourites on HypeM, and ones that I hadn't heard were equally as awesome.
The avalanche with asbjorn was crazy.
There's a lot more I'd want to talk about but won't because I don't want to spoil anything, but trust me, you'll enjoy it.