This post basically says everything, we have mass shootings 1-3 times yearly(I think mass is defined as 20 or more people, or something like that), and besides that, we have shooting regularly, probably daily, but I'm not 100% sure. Also the fact that skiierman stated "our society is too fucking retarded to be handed that kind of responsibility..." guns are way too overpowered, and IMO I don't think anyone needs them, that's just my thinking though, then again I didn't grow up around guns and don't even see the fun part about it honestly.
Why do people bring up "Guns are used to get food", if you have the money to buy a gun and ammunition, you have enough money to buy food, and why not use a bow and arrow or something?
And agreed with PJS, why the fuck is AR6 trolling, you make it look like you have absolutely nothing to back you up so you have to resort to being sarcastic and making an ass of yourself.