Winter is coming, and skiing is not happening again this winter, so I'm thinking about buying an old tv and a system. At my parents house I have an xbox 360, ps1/2/3, but to be honest they were basically COD, crash bandicoot, GTA + SSX tricky, and netflix machines, so I don't know much about gaming on the whole. I'm done with fps, not interested in outright violence.
I was thinking of getting an old wii that can play gamecube games. I want it to be fun for the casual gamer, I'm not interested in game marathons or spending my weekends in front of the tv. I'm looking for a "slightly drunk, maybe I'll play some ... before bed", or "hey lets play this..." games that don't get me all worked up like cod does, and games that are made to play offline with people in the flesh. I don't know anything about gamecube or wii though, except wii bowling, I'm pretty good at that