"Who is the most guilty man in this room?"
There are three types of men/women in this world.
1) Those who consume more than they produce
2) Those who consume exactly what they produce
3) And those who produce more than they consume
Only the man who consumes what he produces, no more and no less, is not evil. The one who consumes and does not produce loots from those who create more than they need. The one who creates more than they consume are the most evil of all, for they allow not only for themselves to be looted, but they allow the looters to carry on.
To deny this is deny that one does not equal one, that you can have something with it being there. It is the basic law of identity. How can one expect to eat if they did not harvest their fields? How can one have shelter if he did not build and maintain it? the simple answer is you cannot. It is impossible. So how do we consider it possible to keep on giving food to those who are starving, and a home to those who are stuck out in the cold if they did not produce the equivalent on their own?
Evolution has given us the gift of the mind, but to rarely do we use it. We move blindly, doing what we are told is "good" and "heartful" without thinking and actually seeing if it's good. To not think is to not live. To give up your mind, is to give up your life. Just as evolution has given the cheetah it's speed and the bear its size, it gave us our mind. If the cheetah lost it's speed it world starve, if the bear lost its size it would cease to exist. We are no different. If we give up thinking on our own, we give up existing.