i know i said id never buy ghosts, but i had to. battlefield 4 is AWFUL with regards to the online interface. you can't customize your set up or equipment unless you're in a game. yayy everyone gets to idle while you lose and are changing your shit around. you can't (and this is a big one) queue for a game in a party! like, wtf? isn't this the main thing people do when gaming online? especially on a game that has squad play and is supposed to be all tactical.
though i like the realism of the game and the huge big maps with all the vehicles, they completely fucked up the online experience. you can't even check your kills/deaths or the scoreboard without pausing and navigating to a separate window. none of that "check shit on the fly" kind of interfacing.
so i got cod strictly to play with friends and at least enjoy some team play. and since everyone plays cod, there's no shortage of finding matches..