Sorry, it's technically called "low lighting." Many blonds have darker roots cause the sun bleaches their hair. She surfs all the time, so the hair gets lighter as you go down. My sister has the same thing, as does my boyfriend. When they surf a lot their hair gets crazy blond. Then there are the girls that are naturally platinum blonde... their hair will be blond pretty much no matter what.
She's not a diva, but whatever. You'll never actually meet her, so no real need to defend her. Some people just fit the american standard of beauty so naturally that it's easy to assume they are fake or a diva.
In regards to makeup... she is paid to do that. When I did the jager job I had to as well. Our "look" had to be approved. I had to wear a halter top and healed boots in snow... what sense is there in that? But they paid me too well to care.