Drinking and partying. Been there-done that, to an excess in fact. I won't deny that my early days of drinking in high school, college and young adulthood were pretty fun times, those I remember anyway. But there comes a time for some, as it did for me, that the fun times of drinking are few and far between, and are increasingly replaced with bad, ugly and even dangerous times. For the problem drinker or potential alcoholic, the increasing negative effects of alcohol far outweigh the positive. Still, repeated negative consequences isn't always enough for one to seek help, let alone stop on there own. Not for the true alcoholic anyway. No it takes hitting rock bottom to finally surrender the old way of life and seek a life free from chemicals. A life of freedom.
I take no credit for the innitial steps in my road to recovery. What true alcoholic or addict wants to admit they are beaten, and that they have to live out the rest of their life w/o ever having another drink or drug? Said no one, unless you've been beaten down so badly you choose life over death and take another path. The path to freedom!! I thank my family, who through TOUGH LOVE, took the first step in getting me the help I didn't think I needed. Who wants to admit they need help?? Certainly not me back then.
My journey started 10+ years ago, when my family felt "I needed" a little vacation. A sort of "retreat" to get healthy and renewed haha;) Well believe me I did not go willingly, but instead was angry, defensive and belligerent as ever! For this was no "Club-Med where I was being escorted. This was Club Hazelden Treatment Center!! "How dare someone think I needed help" I thought ha! Well it didn't take me long to realize that I did! What seemed like the worst day of my life, turned out to be a blessing in disguise! A new beginning towards a rewarding life of sobriety filled with happiness, peace and serenity. It wasn't easy though in the early days of recovery, not by a long shot. I had my share of bumps along the way. But I can honestly say I would never want to go back. I'm thankful for every day I'm sober and loving life. So many good things have come to me since I quit drinking. I'm blessed I had friends and family who cared enough about me to get me help, and to support me in my recovery. I'm blessed I have a Higher Power I call God who put people in my life to save me. I'm thankful for everyday that I don't pick up a bottle. I'm especially thankful that today, I don't even desire a drink, but get high off the simple things.....like snow! And guess what! Life is still FUN!!
One final thought. Although I'm not drinking, the addictive personality is still ever present. I've just traded drinking for an addiction to the freeski community I love, and the social media to spread the word. Maybe this explains my relentless pursuit of commenting and "Liking" on fb and Twitter
Anyway, just wanted to share because maybe there is someone out there who could benefit from hearing a little bit of my story. Cheers!:)