Steroids made baseball an AMAZING game to watch. Arguably one of the most entertaining times for baseball during the most recent steroid era when barry, sammy, etc, mark mcguire were hitting BOMBS everyone loved it. Everyone was doing steroids, and only a handful of people got caught. Many people think that the majority of NFL and MLB athletes have been on a cycle atleast once before.
Im not for open steroid use across all levels, it would be terrible for high schoolers and college ballers trying to get better in terms of body development. But at the pro level, as long as its kept relatively quiet im fine with people using if if they choose. Baseball is arguably a dying sport and needs some serious revival. Going to the games is fun but watching on TV is so dam boring. The average age of the most recent world series viewer was around mid 50's. Kids arent interested in plyaing ball anymore. We need roids to get us back into the game