So currently I shoot with a Panasonic HMC-150 and have had nothing but love with it however when i upload videos to youtube (which is where all my edits go) the quality no matter what i do is always horrible. I have spent countless hours on render settings and nothing looks good. However i also have a t2i and when i have 2 mixed shots, 1 t2i and 1 hmc the t2i shot always looks better imo. I just sold my t2i a few weeks ago because i wasnt fond of not having a flip screen for it. Right now im thinking about selling the HMC and moving to a full DSLR set up.
1. Basically my budget would be the sale price of the HMC which im thinking would be around 1500-1800 bucks plus maybe another $500 bucks on top of that.
2. I have alot of experience with cameras mostly Normal video cameras but i do have about a year under my belt with DSLR's.
3. I have alot of gear for filming, Tripods, Mics, Glidecam and i also have a rokinon fisheye for the t2i
4. The sole purpose of my filming is going to be Skiing, Snowboarding and skateboarding plus a few other random shots, but basically all snow.
5. Most of the time I am doing all the filming but occasionally I will hand the camera off to a friend with it all set up for the correct filming. If i was going to move to a dslr i would just really have to talk to them about the manual focus and everything.
6. When im filming I do alot of follow cams and normal tripod shots always having a person behind the camera.
7. Currently i use Adobe Premiere and after effects and im very knowledgeable with both and have been using them both for 5 plus years.
Let me know what you guys think!