I need some extra money to find a different coat, or put towards buying new boots this year.
The only trades I want would be everything in the thread for a pair of Full Tilt Konflicts or Seths in 26.5-27.5. Or a really waterproof (15-20k) and tallish jacket (37-39'')
I can ship out as soon as payment is in my paypal, would prefer no Canadian shipping but I'll do it if you will.
1. Jiberish X Level 1 Sideways crew. Size 2Xl. Has a brown stain at the front, it was like that when I got it. Only worn under a jacket a few times and to the bar once or twice.

2.Saga OG logo hoody. Size XL. Regular fit, I think they made these as a special last year for black friday. Only worn a handful of times. Still in perfect shape.

3. Orage Belmont pants. Size L. Really baggy for a large, just don't match any of the jackets I have. I got 'em brand new last year and wore them for maybe 15 days on snow. NO rail burns or holes. Cuffs are a little torn up, but still completely waterproof.

4. Last up, My PBJ Saga Anomie. Size L. 34.5'' zipper. Wore it a lot last season but still really waterproof and in good shape, had a vest over it on most days. The only issue is that one of the cinch cords on the bottom ripped out the first week i had it. Small amount of dirt on the yellow part of the coat.

Buy anything and I'll throw in a bunch of freebies, stickers, tshirts, maybe a hat from this pile....
