So today I was at Woodward bouncing on the super tramp. Just throwing some mellow flips. Went for a cork 9 or 7. Whatever came around. Nothing I haven't done before. Suddenly in midair my brain like spazzed out and I didn't know what was going on. Then I land on my side and my brain really tripped out. I had the weirdest sensation I've ever had in my life. For a few seconds the entire room flipped sideways. The tramp was now the wall and the wall the floor. I seriously freaked out. I thought I was going to fall the 12ish feet to the ground and break my ankles. It felt like I was bouncing on my side against the wall. I was like closing the tramp trying not the hit the "floor" which was actually the wall.
Unfortunately I was too out of it to watch the instan replay in time. But people standing around said it was really funny to watch. Cause I was like terrified an clawing at the tramp just bouncing on my side. They said I had legit fear in my eyes. Cause I thought I was falling for sure.
Has anyone else had this or anything like this happen to them? Seriously most trippy moment of my life