I have had this stuff for awhile and haven't used it. +k for bumps. pm me for my phone number. i hate the ns message format. stuff is BEST OFFER so +K for any offers and bumps. If i dont sell any of this stuff within a week I'm taking to my mountains sale which I don't want to do as they take 25% So buy up! EVERY PURCHASE COMES WITH FREE STICKERS
I have these oakley splices with the fire iridum lenses i just won. they have never been used. will trade them for 2012-2013 salomon goggles.
next i have a jiberish puffeh vest. 10/10 wore it once. i am willing to trade this and saga jacket for a pair of green or white oakley pants
next i have a pair of eg2s. if i could get 50 bucks outta of them that would be great. 7/10 condish offer up
next i have this size M saga jacket 10/10 condish. i know its not as large as you thugs would like but think of gfs or siblings. (or ladies??) wore it once and it looks brand new. $80?
STICKERS(jiberish stickers are not for sale)