this will be the second season my home mountain uses cards inside the pocket rather than visibly checking passes
problems i see at Jiminy Peak PCMR DV etc
- lines are much longer and only 1 person working to help people
- people are very unfamiliar and unsuccessful with the system
-parents get in but then have to back up and help kids
- kids get tangled up with these cattle corrals
- 4 hour passes now mean < 4 hour
+cant get that extra lap at end of 4 hour
in order to scan
- can't be inside layers
- cant be inside wallet
- can't be near electronic devices
- have to butt bump/ grind the scanner
-it only takes a few people to cause backup and empty chairs to go up the hill
- cant ride into the chair when no line and you want fast laps
- the entrances are facing the bottom so you have to climb/ski/crawl uphill