Hey guys,
I was looking around Vimeo and I guess I noticed a feature I've never seen before. I normally go to one of my videos and underneath it I hit "Stats." From there, you can see the "Weekly Overview" which is the number of plays and when. And that's cool, but I just now noticed "Top URL Embeds."
Now as a person whose videos don't get a lot of exposure, I'm very interested in seeing the different places my videos get posted, what the comments are like, etc.
So here's an an old video I made:
And here, I notice it has been posted on YoBeat.com. So that's cool and all, but I remember when it was on the site. So I remember how to get to it by searching Google. But what if I never knew it was on YoBeat?
Like this situation. Here's the old video:
And you can see I have a lot of views from skitheeast.net. But I have no knowledge of this video ever being on Ski The East, and I'd like to see where it is on there.
So my question is, how do I search this? I feel like there has to be some type of "URL search" or "Vimeo embed search" somewhere, but I've looked and I can't find anything.
(I've also tried searching Ski The East's site, to no avail. But I'm more-so looking for a general way to do this.)
Any advice?