. "That is not a sport i helped create nor want to be a part of. I'll be the guy competing in their comps with a "FIStfucked" shirt this season, just watch it."
Question why would you compete in an FIS event with a "Fuck FIS " t-shirt ... this means you are contributing to the corporation that you greatly despise that makes no sense what so ever..
Why compete what so ever in an FIS event? why not boycott all fis run events and only do AFP events? but really you aren't Terje Harkson so you not showing up to an FIS event is't really going to affect any one what so ever..
As for who ever is above sure hes gotten far in life that;s awesome he probably has done a lot of amazing things and I give respect to that .. major respect but you don't need to act like you are better than people or this big tough man behind a computer screen.. you're a pro skier not an MMA champ or a SAS soldier who's been fighting for the past 10 years in Afghanistan.. you're not curing cancer and you aren't flying to mars in a rocket ship.. and what you dio in the big picture isn't really that big of a deal.. stop taking all this shit so serious.. none of you are tupac, none of you are gangsters , none of you are ever going to rap in front of a crowd of 50 thousand people.. and none of you are going to fight in the UFC and or probably shoot anyone..
It's just skiing.. nothing more .. nothing less.. so if some young kid talks shit about you and your company be a man and take it in stride. "haters are gonna hate " would be the catch phrase that represents this kinda of behavior. The Olympics isnt going to make that big of a difference I hate the FIS but if you want your sport in the world wide lime light its a necessary evil at this present time .
So basically to put this bluntly pull your heads out of your ass's and get over the fact that
1) the olympics are happening and you either aren't good enough to compete,
2) don't care so should just keep doing your own thing and not care what other people are doing.
3) if you actually really do wanna fuck the fis make sure you use a condom casue those cunts are dirty..
4) stop trying to act like thuglife little mini Mark Frank Montoya groupies like tanner used to..
5) don't take your selves so serious pull that week old tampon out of your vagina and dust the sand out and realize it's just skiing and no one really gives a fuck in the big scheme of things..
to quote tupac as you have
' it's not about East or West It's about niggas and bitches, power and money. Riders and punks.
atm the FiS has the power and money.. and you are the niggas and punks..