Mainly looking for cash, not really open to trades. Prices are without shipping.
Also sorry for the below average pictures. Very willing to get any specific photos of items if you're interested. Almost a gear is in very good condition. I baby the shit out of stuff.
First Up: XXL Grey and Black Saga Shutout, 9/10 used for a total of about 6 days.
Next XXXL Grey Jiberish LoHi. 9/10 babied the shit out of this. Fav hoody for sure,
Next XL Anomie Saga jacket. Grey. 9/10 again.
Next XL Tim Durtschi pro model. 9/10 never was a fan of this jacket
Next XXXL Jiberish Dripset. NEVER WORN 10/10 (still got that new fuzzy sweatshirt feeling)
Next XXXL Jiberish Haybail Flannnel 9/10
Next up: MEDIUM Armada Fievel from 2 years ago. 8/10 mainly wore to school.
Size Large Orage pants. Brown. 4/10 i used these as my rail jam pants. Will go for cheap
Size XL Lethal Descent Jacket from 2011/2012 season. 9/10 Not really want to get rid of this.
Last item: Size XL Saga pants (the non skinny ones) Black. 9/10 again
Thanks for looking! Just shoot me a PM with any questions