Also sorry for the below average pictures. Very willing to get any specific photos of items if you're interested. Almost a gear is in very good condition. I baby the shit out of stuff.
First Up: XXL Grey and Black Saga Shutout, 9/10 used for a total of about 6 days.
Next XXXL Grey Jiberish LoHi. 9/10 babied the shit out of this. Fav hoody for sure,
Next XL Anomie Saga jacket. Grey. 9/10 again.
Next XL Tim Durtschi pro model. 9/10 never was a fan of this jacket
Next XXXL Jiberish Dripset. NEVER WORN 10/10 (still got that new fuzzy sweatshirt feeling)
Next XXXL Jiberish Haybail Flannnel 9/10
Next up: MEDIUM Armada Fievel from 2 years ago. 8/10 mainly wore to school.
Size Large Orage pants. Brown. 4/10 i used these as my rail jam pants. Will go for cheap
Size XL Lethal Descent Jacket from 2011/2012 season. 9/10 Not really want to get rid of this.
Last item: Size XL Saga pants (the non skinny ones) Black. 9/10 again
Thanks for looking! Just shoot me a PM with any questions