Okay, so it is not MY lawn. It is my apartment complexes lawn which is shared by 1 other apartment. Our neighbor who lives across the street have a friendly old dog. They just open the door and let the dog walk about the street. They will let this dog walk around for an hour or so staying in a 4 house vicinity. But for some reason that dog loves shitting on our yard. Actually I just stepped in its shit about 15 minutes ago. To top that off it was a slimy fucker, its been raining all day here in upstate NY. I am beyond pissed. Back to the dog and its owners. I am in a pickle, this is probably the 5th time I have stepped in shit in about 6 months. I love dogs and do not want anything to happen to it due to this issue. I feel my options are as follows.
1.) Call the police and report the dog next time I see it outside?.(and what would happen to the dog?)
2.) Go across the street and confront them personally and ask them to leash the dog. (They look like the Adams family. and so does the house.)
3.) Start picking up the shit and placing it on there lawn, driveway or porch?
I have considered all three options. What do you think?