For those of you who've been before it needs no introduction. For those of you who haven't, what have you been doing with your life?! We truck tons (literally) of snow from the surrounding ice rinks and set up multiple lines of rails and boxes(something for everyone) and jib until it melts.
There's music, food, great prizes, shwag tosses, everything you'd need for a pre-season rail jam.
Where: Toggenburg Ski Center about 20 minutes south of Syracuse, NY and less than an hour north of Binghamton,-75.959473&spn=0.009364,0.021136&fb=1&gl=us&hq=toggenburg+ski+center&cid=0,0,2375230097631986718&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A
When: Saturday October 19th 11:30am til?
Why: Fundraiser for Toggenburg Terrain Park. We have a great group of volunteers who make our park one of the best in NYS. This event helps us buy new equipment and build new rails and boxes. It's also a lot of fun.
Additional info:
- A waiver is required. Under 18 needs a parent signature
- Helmets are MANDATORY. No exceptions (seriously)
- We'll be grilling and selling drinks all afternoon
- Rain or shine!
Please direct any questions to our facebook page: as that will have the most up to date information and will be the official word on any updates
I'll leave you with some videos from past years