I'm in the same boat as you this year, here's what helped me (currently in the library).
First off you're a little late doing the night before shit hahah, the high school habits are hard to break. I literally didn't study once in high school. But anyways, it really depends on how your class is structured. For example, I read the chapter the night before the lecture on it and try and really get it down, like you'll have a quiz or something the next day. Then go to that lecture for reinforcement of all the concepts and take notes using the Cornell system (look it up its pretty helpful). Continue that all semester.
But as far as tests go, I study in like 50 minute intervals with 10 minute breaks so I don't burn myself out. I'll usually go take a piss or something and get my mind off the subject for a little and then come back ready to go. And for fucks sake put away your cellphone and shit when studying. If I don't I get caught up texting and constantly looking at my phone to see if i have notifications and shit. Use rewards for yourself, like finish reading a chapter and then you can check your messages. When reading the book/slides, make sure to write stuff down even if you already took notes on it. For memorization sake, writing is the equivalent of reading something 7 times, so it's much more efficient to write things out, in your own words if you can, so that the concepts stick. Break down all your tasks and ideas into manageable chunks so you can check them off a list. It'll motivate you to keep going and check off more stuff. Other than that, utilize any tools you have such as practice tests and study guides to make sure you know the content. Again it depends on the class but most of this is pretty universal. Hope it somewhat helped.