Oakley Cohesion White Snow Tiger jacket (obviously the OCWSTJ lol. Size L)- $85 + ship
Overall in good shape but of course everything's used, one drop of stain on the back (thanks chairlift crew..). One spot on the cuff is a little worn more than the rest from some habit I apparently have but no idea what caused it. Doesn't do anything bad to the waterproofing just looks fuzzy.
Was an awesome jacket, I'm wearing it in my profile picture, I just got hooked up through Patagonia last year so I had to rep the part and stopped wearing my Oakley as much.. for those who don't know the jacket is a 3 in 1. The shell zips off from the insulation and then there are buttons on the shoulder to make it into just a waterproof vest. All of which is pretty slick for changing weather.
Oakley Crowbar w/ Fire Iridium - $85 shipped within the US
Goggles work, straps are starting to fray a little on the part that moves most over my helmet, elastic is good, they're set fairly loose still. Lens has one nick on the outside and one mark on the inside, neither of which are going to blindfold you and make you hit a tree.
I almost didn't sell these, I almost still don't want to. But on a wing and a prayer my rep will follow through.. I love these things to death, best goggles I've ever tried on. I have a real problem when my peripheral vision gets obstructed, it just drives me crazy. These are the only goggles I've had with a wide FOV that haven't totally eaten my face and nose while wearing them.
First Drop Viritika pants (size M) - $80 in the govt disabled US
Pants also are in good shape, I don't power slide at many 80's concerts in them so like.. what do you expect. Waterproofing is starting to get a little less-good though. As in it rained one day and I got a bit wet.
These actually I'm selling because they fit differently and I'm scared of different. Just a personal nit-pick. They fit my leg length ok but when I sit down the bottom of the cuff pulls up over my boot slightly and it just feels weird. Someone an inch or two shorter wouldn't even notice, it's just the style of them is all.
FKS w/ Geze toe, NO BRAKES - $110
They're FKS, about all there is to that. Mechanically sound, nothing has gone wrong with them since I've had them. Best bindings I've EVER had in terms of safety, I can count several times where I've felt the heel rotate in that slow-mo "oh ****" moment as well as some close calls where they've stayed attached to me thanks to that same tech and I was able to ride it out. If the heel gets knocked over it takes a second longer to get them on if you're in and out of them all day. When I got em they came with brakes but they were all jacked up and bent by the last owner so.. I tried to find replacement brakes but no luck.
I'm only selling these to help pay for the pair I just ordered with the appropriately sized brakes. On that note: I've used leashes with these all last season. As long as the leash you use has a.. like a seatbelt clip? Idk what to call those. Like on a helmet. Rather than a metal scissor clip, you'll be good. Or if you can figure out a better way for a quick-release leash.. Basically if you start tomahawking you're in for some bruises, if it's a slide and a release or a crash in pow, it's no problem. Or of course you can try and dig through NS for some brakes.
Ask for more specific pics or more info or whatever and I'll get it done asap.
So.. yeah.