Hanging out in a motel room (on my way to my storage unit back in the homestead)
I wasn't patient enough to wait until I got out all the gear.
I am driving up to my storage unit tomorrow.. but here is a little sample with much more to come.
my prices do not include shipping
1. Full tilt Seth's - asking $170
> used 15ish days
> heels and toes have a little wear but are still in great shape
> intuition liner has not been heat molded yet
> I also installed booster straps
2. Retro Crowbars - not sure what to ask for these.. offer up
> blue retro strap and frame, purple riggers
> newish blue iridium lens (got at the end of the season used like 10 days)
> the foam is in pretty good shape couple little tear in the top vents.. but its all still there
3. thall crowbars - asking $60 for the frame, $90 with both lenses
> the frame, rigger, strap have about 5 days of use
> HI yellow lens
> Black iridium lens
> the lenses both have a crack in the inner lens but it doesnt affect the visibility. just need to be sealed to get the anti fog to work again

(the crack is the same on the black irid but its too reflective for me to get a good pic)
4. red oakley pants - asking $60
> XXL baggy fit
> lightly used for about 10 days.
> a couple knicks in the cuffs.. but nothing bigger than a finger nail.
5. green line fleece lined bandanna - $10
6. Black/foil gold skullcandy bandanna - $10
7. red line fleece lined bandanna - $10
8. Ec headwear rasta (circa 2005) - $15
9. phunkshun trunk - $15
10. ec headwear neckie - $15
there will be much much more gear coming up sometime in the next couple days