working for the mountain has its perks, free pass and staff accom. I instructed part time for my pass. But working full time for most mountain positions will limit your skiing time. I never lived in staff accom, but from whenever ive been there I can easily say I would not want to. Sure its really cheap, but its dirty, you have to share a room and its more or less a party every night. Its for the most part for people who are there for sure term, to party and barely ski.
Finding a place that is walking distance to the lifts will likely be hard at this point of the year, the bus system in whistler is very good and living somewhere like emerald really isn't that big of a deal, you get a decent house for a decent price.
Partying is fun in whistler, but I'd say don't go out too much the first few months, all the money you have will be gone in no time. Budget so that you have some extra float cash for April/ May because most positions will have either reduced hours or be laid off during the dead season. Don't waist your time on most of the job fairs, they are mainly to promote their own business. When looking for a job don't say 'im only here for the season' people are more likely to hire you if there is some longish term potential, even though almost everyone only works for the short-term. Although most places require some experience before you can be a server or bartender, the spagetti factory or brewhouse might hire you as a buss boy. Dont be picky about the type of job, someone else will want it, I was only picky about my hours, to me there was no point being in whistler if I couldn't ski 5 days a week, otherwise, i might as well have just been a weekend warrior in vancouver with a better paying job.